Version 3.2.43
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Design Module


Enhanced: The Utilities option on the main screen has been enhanced on multi-user systems to allow access to some functions when other users are on the system. Utilities that require exclusive access to the database will still only be enabled if all other users are logged out of FF&EZ.

(As of 3.2.39) All editing screen lists: You can now scroll the list when adding or editing an item to see if an ID or Tag has been used already or which ID was used last when creating sequential IDs. You will still have to save your current item before you can edit another. Note: see related fix in 3.2.60.

Fixed, Query tool: The "does not contain" clause crashed if used on a text field (the long description or note fields did not have this problem).

Fixed: Users were sometimes able to interrupt the "requery" process that updated screen displays, producing a "Cancel or ignore" message. This has been fixed where instances were found.

Fixed, Database migration tool: The new "Area Unit" field on the Project screen was not being properly handled when migrating older databases to the current version.

(As of 3.2.44) Reports Setup, Printer Setup button, modified: Some versions of Windows eliminated the printer "Properties" button on this dialog box that allowed you to change some of the settings on your printer. In this version, printer selection has been moved to a Printer... button where Printer Setup was, and a new Properties button has been added that calls the printer options dialog directly.


Project Export and Import,  Fixed  The object contents of rooms with the same Room ID but in different areas were not being imported properly from FDA files. A warning note was added to the Project List's Add> Import command when you import a project from a version earlier than this one (Note: this is an uncommon problem, but needs to be checked if you are unfamiliar with an "incoming" project.)

Enhanced, Clone command: When the Clone command is selected, the system will now present an option window in which you can control whether certain specification status fields are reset for the new project.

The affected fields are the design and client approval dates, the vendor quote references (not the cost or price), submittal status, revision group code and the specification's internal notes. This allows you to make a copy of a project as a "backup" or "snapshot" before making major changes but also supports the need to re-verify various status items (such as whether vendor costs have been checked) on new projects cloned from an existing one.


Enhanced, Add command: Import option: Redesigned Object Import setup screen to add more search options and to display more information about selected objects, including the image of the primary specification  (if one is available.)

Fixed  Double-clicking a secondary spec on the Object Screen to edit it sometimes edited the primary spec or the spec highlighted on the FF&E Worksheet instead (this appears to have only happened when the Specification Screen had not been opened yet)

Reports: Object screen report formats have been enhanced to provide more options.


Fixed: Auto-image utility. Previously, the utility would process specs that did not have Catalog #s (or the keyword "CUSTOM") in the "Catalog/Product #" field. Since the utility creates standardized file names to organize the FF&EZ image library and allow image sharing among all projects, this could create images with the same name that overwrote each other. The utility now skips specifications with blank Catalog # entries, but gives you feedback about which specs were not processed. To process these with Auto-image, simply add the Catalog # entry and run the utility again. You can also attach these images manually by editing the specification in the normal way.

Fixed: Attaching "custom" specs. Although the system would display the special file name created for specifications with the keyword "CUSTOM" in the "Catalog/Model #" field, this name was not being used for the final image file name.

Purchasing Module

(These only apply if you have the Design/Purchasing version)

FF&E Worksheet

(In the Purchasing version and with Order Export plug-in) The system now checks to be sure that the primary shipping address (that is selected by default) is not empty. This can be especially important for exported orders that include a shipping address (if you are using the Order Export option).