Design Module
Vendor List |
Fixed A bug in the Export command was causing a system crash when exporting to text and other non-FDA format files. |
Room List |
Fixed Entering a room quantity either directly in the list or by using the editing commands was causing unexpected repositioning of the list. |
FF&E Worksheet |
Enhanced A new option on the Pricing Tool now allows you to "bump" existing markups by a factor as an alternative to specifying a new markup. For instance, if you want to increase all markups in the selected product scope by 10%, you would use 1.1 as the factor. Using .95 would decrease all markups by 5% of the existing markup (not 5% of the cost). This approach preserves the eixsting differences in markups between different product types, and can be useful for adjusting the product profit margins in cloned projects for inflation or geographic differences. [NOTE: This feature was revised in version 3.2.119.] |
Object List |
Enhanced See notes about the Pricing Tool above. |
Specification List |
Enhanced See notes about the Pricing Tool above. |
Purchasing Module
(These only apply if you have the Design/Purchasing version)
Item Splits |
Enhanced The shipping note and date for individual items or item splits now has an option to use these two fields only as an internal note. If you put a check in the "Internal" option next to them, the information you enter will not appear on the orders, but will appear on recap or status reports. The shipping note and date on the Order screen is not affected by this change and will continue to appear on the order if you use it. |