Rate Change Options
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This dialog box appears when you change either the markup, tax rate or shipping percent on an existing project, including one you are copying with the Clone command.  The options shown give you better control over making these global changes, since they potentially affect all totals in the project.

All new specifications that you add to the project automatically pick up these fields' current values when you use any form of the Add function on the Specifications Form.  When changing the project default percentages, however, you may or may not want existing specifications to also be updated with the new rate(s), depending on the situation:

  • If you copy a project that will be built in a location with a different tax rate, you will want to be able to change all specifications in the project to the new rate.
  • If you use a different markup for different products, you can save time by entering all of one product group with one markup in effect, then add another group after you changed the project markup to a second percentage. In this case, you would not want any existing specifications changed when you changed the project markup. 

Note: the newer Pricing Tool can be used to set different markups for groups of specifications, so the above technique is no longer the first recommendation.

  • You may have some items provided at cost (0% markup) or even for free as an incentive (-100% markup).  If you then decide to change the overall markup for all other project items, you will need a way to keep these items at their original markup.
  • If you have some items at different markups, but then decide to lower the markup across the board, you might want to apply the change proportionally to those with different markups. The Pricing Tool can also be used for this. 

All these situations can be handled by the options on the Rate Change Options dialog:

No change (only apply to new specifications)

Only the project rate is changed.  As always, any specs you add after you save the project record will pick up the new rate automatically.

Also apply to any specifications that use the old default percentage

The system will scan the specifications, looking for any specifications with rates that match the old one.  Any that are found will be updated with the new rate. 

Apply new rate to ALL specifications

The system will scan the specifications and change them all to the new rate, no matter what rate they currently have. 

Apply change to all specifications, but adjust non-standard percentages proportionally

This option scans the specifications and changes each by the same proportion (new rate / old rate).

Note that if you are changing the project markup, this tool will not change any markups (that is, prices) that are locked on the Specification List screen. However, if this is what you want, an additional checkbox is provided that allows you to override the "Locked" setting on those specifications.

No changes are made until you save the project record that you are editing. If you return to an already-open project's content screens without saving, you will not see any difference.

In addition, because these are global changes, no other user (including you) can be editing a specification in the current project when you click Save (FF&EZ will check for this and roll back the changes if a conflict occurs).

Note that if you have the Purchasing module, these changes are also available for order items, but there are limitation based on whether the orders have been issued or not.  Also, by design, some rates are not available to apply to orders, or may only be used by temporarily enabling them on the main Setup Screen.

Question: What if I set prices manually and now want to zero out all markups/prices, but the markup on the project screen is zero?

You can do this more easily with the Utiltities> Pricing Tool

  1. Display the Specifications List screen (or any screen on which this utility is available).
  2. Select Utilities> Pricing Tool.
  3. Set the scope to "All Specifications."
  4. Under "Change Options," select "Adjust Prices..." using a markup of 0%.
  5. Under "Pricing Options" decide if you wish to override locked prices (select it if you are clearing all markups). 
  6. Select one of the Process options. 

This will apply a zero markup to every eligible spec.