Version 3.2.80
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Design Module


Enhanced The "Catalog #" field for library specifications is now a required field. This change was necessary to ensure that templates added to the library did not overwrite each other if a library was imported from another FF&EZ system (something that a remote employee with a standalone copy of FF&EZ might do).

During an import process, the library determines whether to update a specification if the vendor ID and the Catalog # match, otherwise it adds it to the library. In order to distinguish templates from one another (which typically use the "TBD" vendor but have no need for a catalog #), you will need to add a temporary value in "Catalog #" such as "ART TEMP" or "FAB TEMP." If you have several variations of a template (say, for different basic drapery types), simply add a number or an additional descriptor to the temporary "catalog number."

Note: existing specifications in the library are not affected unless you try to edit them, however if you export copies of your library to other locations, be sure to add some type of entry to any blank Catalog # fields before doing so.


Enhanced The Add> Import option has been enhanced to automatically import images along with the project data. The new version requires exported project archive files created with any version of FF&EZ that has the "Include images?" option on the project Export command's setup screen. When images are detected in an import, the import setup screen expands as shown below:

For most users, importing projects with images will be very straightforward. However, since there is a potential for having image files with conflicting (same) file names, the utility is set up to allow you to either resolve these (by either keeping the existing file or replacing it with the incoming one) or by moving the conflicting image to a holding folder under the "FF&EZ-Import\Temporary Images" folder, where you can attach it later with a different name. A full description can be found under "Importing Projects."

Replacing existing image files should be done carefully, since they may be in use in other projects on your system.

FF&E Worksheet

Fixed One of the room finish locations, "Walls" was not sorting properly.

Purchasing Module

(These only apply if you have the Design/Purchasing version)


Enhanced Order status and recap reports that show a quantity now also show any variance that is included in the final shipped quantity. This will help flag items and splits where the final quantity differs from the original ordered quantity. The column heading for these has been changed from "Quantity" to "Qty (Variance)" with the variance amount shown as a plus or minus amount in parentheses.

Order Items

Fixed: Previously, the item Import option did not show items from the same project on the list of items and specs available to import. You can now specify the active project as a source so that items can be easily re-ordered.

New When editing or revising an order item that was converted from a project specification, there is now a Refresh option on the item form (next to the Import button. This updates the descriptive text on the item to reflect unexpected changes to the specification.

This option is not available after an item has been marked as "shipped" or billed. There are important limitations and "best practices" to consider in using this command option. Be sure to review these under "Refreshing an Order Item."


Enhanced The process of updating an item split's "Shipped" status has been reworked to handle more scenarios. The first change is that you cannot enter a "shipped" quantity unless you enter a shipment date (as before, you can enter the date manually, by using the "+" and "-" keys or by double-clicking for a calendar).

Entering a date now lets the system determine how to handle any number you enter as the "shipped" quantity, including zero for an unexpected manufacturing problem that requires you to reselect a product (or supplier) for the remaining quantity (that is, requiring a new item or new order). If you enter a zero, the system treats this as a cancellation (and variance) to the item split's unshipped quantity. The word "Canceled" is used on reports for this item instead of "Shipped" and the date you entered is used as the cancellation date.

In addition to the above, you can now more easily make corrections to a wrongly entered "shipped" quantity that resulted in a variance and the system will adjust or remove the variance accordingly. Please note that if the split was already invoiced, the invoice is not changed, although you can still void the invoice and create a new one from the corrected split.

The option of creating a shipping split when the shipped quantity is less then expected remains as it was, however the chance of accidentally creating a split should now be eliminated.

As it is in the order reports, expediting reports that show a quantity now also show any variance that is included in the final shipped quantity. The column heading for these has also been changed from "Quantity" to "Qty (Variance)" (or "Qty (Var)") with the variance amount shown as a plus or minus amount in parentheses.