Install Plug-ins
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FF&EZ's base capabilities can be augmented by custom programming that adapts the software for your own special needs or optional subsystems that add major capabilities that are not normally needed by most clients. Also, small special purpose utilities may be occasionally employed to update a large amount of data without having to do so manually. The latter are distributed as special "forms" (screens) that can be invoked from the Utilities screen's Run a Special Form command.

Plug-ins will be distributed in compressed files:


Custom programming or optional subsystems


Special forms (typically used for a special data manipulation such as adding budget or accounting codes to an entire database)

The extension may be "ZIP" instead of FDZ if your browser changes it. Depending on size, a plug-in file may be distributed via download or as an attachment to an e-mail message. The steps for loading the update are as follows:

  1. Save the download or attachment to the FF&EZ-Import folder that you will find beneath your personal documents folder, using the appropriate procedure for either method. Don't change the name of the file when you do this.
  2. Select the Utilities option
  3. Click on the Install Plug-ins button. This will display the dialog box:

  1. Select the type of plug-in you are installing, based on the file you received.
  2. If you saved the file properly into the FF&EZ-Imports format, the Install button will already be enabled. If not, use the Browse... button to find it visually. 
  3. Click on the Install button. You may see a window open briefly as the update file is automatically expanded, then the plug-in will be installed (or updated if this is a revised version).
  4. Typically, plug-ins are activated as soon as the relevant FF&EZ screen "sees" them in the plug-in folder, however this may not occur when FF&EZ is already running. Therefore, we recommend that all users restart their FF&EZ sessions if they plan to use a new plug-in

Plug-ins are stored in the "Plugins" subfolder of the main FF&EZ data set folder.