Zero Cost Items / Non-zero Sell Price
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Although the FF&EZ Design module's price and markup calculation rules will not allow a sell price to be added to a zero-cost item, you can do this once the item is included in a purchase order (or is added to an order), where the calculations are much simpler. 

To create a zero cost item for sale:

  1. If you wish the item to be included in the Design data, create it with the cost equal to the sell price (zero markup). The client will see the sell price, although your overall profit margin may be slightly lower than it will finally be.
  2. Convert or add the item to an order, then locate the item on the Orders screen and edit it.
  3. If this is a new item, enter the sell price in the "Cost" field, with a markup of 0%
  4. If it's an existing item, be sure the sell price is set to what you want.
  5. Zero out the "Cost" field.

The system will disable all the financial fields except the cost, but it will retain the sell price entry.

When you process items with zero cost values, you may get warning messages about the presence of "zero amount" items, however these are only informational, in case something was entered incorrectly.