Versions Overview
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This section records major feature additions and bug fixes. If you have installed a new version of the software, the easiest way to determine which new features will be of interest to you is to start at the end of the document and read the version sections until you reach the one at or earlier than your current version.

  • Items that may represent important new features include key words or phrases that are marked in red (unless they link directly to a fuller explanation).
  • In practice, there are intermediate versions that are not listed here, but which were delivered to specific clients to resolve an issue or add a particular capability. Those changes were accumulated into the next official version.
  • Each version has its own page, so be sure to expand the contents beneath this one.
  • The version pages start with the last major revision to FF&EZ version 1, which was 1.5.108. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than that, please contact technical support for a list of new features between your version and 1.5.108.