Version 3.2.16
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Design Module


New  Added new "Backup database" utility, which creates a date-stamped backup of the entire database (and optionally, the database and the image files). The backup is created as a compressed archive (zip) file in a location or device of your choice. This utility will help single and remote users who do not have a full backup routine set up on their PC (one recommendation is to regularly back up your database to a USB drive that you can easily store off-site, as long your images fit on the drive).

Backups can be restored by "unzipping" them to their original locations or can be unzipped to a temporary location for use with the Migrate utility or as a temporary database for exporting an accidentally deleted project.

Fixed Modified the "is blank" and "is not blank" query options to handle null values when filtering on fields in optional "parent" tables. This fixed a problem in which using "is not blank" returned all items instead due to the difference between an "empty" value and a null one (apologies for geek speak).

Modified: "Update Reports" utility is more consistent with other utility screen layouts.

New If a software update has been downloaded to the "workstation" folder on a multi-user system, a message will appear on the main screen notifying the user. Also, the warning that appears if a workstation is out of date and cannot access the database has been moved to allow the user to install the required update.


You can now attach and review images within the Library in the same way you can for project specs. Prior to this, when a spec with an image was imported into the Library, it retained the image but it was not visible until used in another project. The Attach image function works like the one on the Specification List screen, except that the automatic file names for "CUSTOM" items are handled in a slightly different way since they are not part of a project.


Revised the Subsets subform to allow editing of both the "ID" and the "Description" fields within the grids for Sub-Projects and Phases.

The "Schemes" subset has been removed while a new approach for this proposed feature is developed.

Enhanced The project Export command can now create compressed archive (zip) files when "Include image file?" is selected. This produces a single zip file containing the exported project and its images.

Enhanced  The project Import command handles data issues caused by new data fields when importing projects from version 2.x or earlier.


Fixed Adding a new Sub-project correctly displays the new sub-project when you move from that field. Also, new areas will automatically display the default sub-project instead of requiring you to manually select it.

Area reports: Added "Current sub-project" as an option for the "Current..." report filter type.


Room reports: Added sub-project and phase as options for the "Current..." report filter type.

FF&E Worksheet

Fixed The Room "Phase ID" field will now work correctly in queries.

Worksheet reports: Added sub-project and phase as options for the "Current..." report filter type.

"FF&E Schedule" report: The default setting for this report is to exclude finishes. Added report option to include finishes if you want to show everything in this format.


Added the "OSE" class to the object "Class" selections for objects that represent Operating Supplies & Equipment. This can be used for both sales orders and for projects in which all startup costs are also being entered.


Added new Assign Supplier utility to allow you to assign, replace or remove a supplier from a group of specifications, based on several possible scopes (filters). This allows you to add a supplier vendor to any set of products in addition to the manufacturer vendor.

Fixed: Under certain installations, selecting an image for attachment would fail when the command was used a second time, with a "cannot create file" message.

Purchasing Module

(These only apply if you have the Design/Purchasing version)


Enter Vendor Final Invoices: Modified to better handle situations where previously reported and entered "shipped" quantities were incorrect.


Fixed  A bug in the form that prevented users from entering a variance as part of a shipped quantity.


Fixed  Reprints of invoices (typically for fees) that had variances entered after the fact were reflecting the variance instead of the original invoiced quantity.