Version 3.2.125 (Jan 2016)
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Design Module


Enhanced Multiple international currency handling. If a standard symbol is available for a selected currency, you can have the system use that symbol instead of the three-character ISO 4217 code. Also see under "Projects," which now have the ability to use a specific currency that differs from your default currency.

All screens and reports have been reviewed and standardized to eliminate currency symbols within the cost and price amounts. Instead, key labels on the screens and reports indicate what currency is in effect. This approach was used to minimize the column width requirements of currencies that use the ISO code instead of an available symbol.


Fixed A new feature inadvertently affected the Refresh table indexes utility, causing it to crash.

Enhanced The backup shortcut options built into the main screen's Quit button have been enhanced to allow the user to cancel and stay in the program. All of the available options are shown when you hover the mouse pointer over this button (if your "Show tips" setting is on).


New In addition to the existing "Country" field, there is now an "ISO" field for the standard 3-character country code. This will be used in the future for address formatting.

Enhanced The "Comments" field is now a free-form text field with essentially unlimited space. Existing comments have been transferred into it.


Fixed In some disk and folder configurations, the Add> Import command would crash when attempting to process a project + images zip file.

Enhanced The cross-project "Project Activity Report" now has options to include "snapshot" financial data (budget, cost, etc.) in the report, with a report total at the end. Note that this data will depend on the completeness of any particular project, so unpriced specs or room contents that have not been marked with a quantity will affect the report totals. Users wishing to report on order costs and prices should continue to use the reports on the Order List screen.

Enhanced Multiple international currency handling. You can now select a specific currency for each project. The selected currency appears on all reports for that project and as needed for its orders.

FF&E Worksheet

New Report: The "Lead time / Spend Analysis" report allows you to use either the project's "Install Date" or a manually entered date with lead time entries on each spec to show "order by" dates along with an estimated monthly required spending breakdown.

New Report: The existing "Equipment Schedule by Area, Room" is now complemented by the new "Equipment Schedule by Tag Group" report, which lists each piece of equipment and the rooms into which it goes.

Enhanced Finish schedule reports now include an optional thumbnail image from the primary specification.

Enhanced Equipment schedule reports now include an optional thumbnail image from the primary specification.

Modified: The "Show images" option on the Worksheet now defaults to being "on," so that images automatically display. You can use the option at the bottom of the screen to turn this off if desired.

Modified: The "Illustration Sheet" reports were modified to move the "Revised" note to the right side on the same line as the "Specification" description (just above the small image location) and the "Revision Group" code contents were added to the note. This was to make the revision flag easier to see in printed book form while making it easier to format combinations of revision dates and/or revision group codes.
Also, the object Tag and other heading information now has a slightly increased font size for better scanning readability.

Enhanced The "Order Pricing Worksheet" and the "Ordering Worksheet" now print the vendor's "Alternate ID" in the header for the vendor supplying the product. This can be suppressed with a new report option, but enabling it as the default setting made more sense in the context of how the alternate ID is normally used on an ordering report.

On the same reports, you now have the option to print a thumbnail image of each item that has one.

Enhanced The "FF&E Schedule by Class, Tag Group" report now has  an option to print a thumbnail image using the main component spec for that object.

Please note: Worksheet reports that print thumbnail images have this option turned "on" as the default setting. If you wish, you can turn the option off and save a custom set of Report Options.

Object List

Enhanced The Utilities> Export command now allows you to limit the exported objects to only those that are used in the FF&E Worksheet.

Purchasing Module

(These only apply if you have the Design/Purchasing version)


Fixed Incorrect links on Orders List help page.

New In Design/Purchasing systems using password-protected access control, the new "Design Only" user type prevents all access to the Purchasing functions and screens.


New Report: A client-oriented version of the "P. O. Recap by Client, Project" report has been added, which shows the sell price for each order. In order to avoid a mistake in what you send to a client, the new report is named "Client P. O. Recap by Project (Sell Price)" although the "(Sell Price)" qualifier does not print on the actual report's title. It is your responsibility to select the correct report to send to a client.


Enhanced All reports on the Expediting screen now include this  option:

Also display shipping note / date marked as "internal"?

This refers to the "Internal?" checkbox next to the item shipping note and date on the Expediting Form and defaults to being checked (include "internal" shipping notes) but can be unchecked if you send expediting reports to a client and do not want the individual item shipping note to display. If you do this regularly, you should save this option with a new report name.

Enhanced The standard purchase order format now prints the "Client Ref #" field next to the project ID for purchasing management projects (billing types 2 and 3). It leaves it out on for-profit projects since the client never sees these POs and it might cause confusion.

The leading zeroes in the PO number on the standard purchase order format are now printed in grey to make the actual number more readable. Note that your preview screen may show a slight alignment difference, but the printed version (including PDFs) prints as expected.