The Illustration Sheet report formats are used to create "project books" and are the most powerful and flexible reports in the system. They include three basic layouts, at least four sort orders and a large number of options that control how much or how little information is included in the printed result. As is true for other reports, you can set the options you use the most and then save them with a "custom" report name.
Note: the latest formats were introduced in version 4.1.029. If you have saved custom option settings for earlier versions, your saved version will still use the previous version of these formats. To create custom versions with the newest options, go back to the base report, set the desired options and save these with either the name you used previously or a new one.

The three basic layouts for Illustration Sheets
The choices of layout are based on the location and size of images that are printed for each specification:
- Print up to six secondary images around a medium "main" image from the primary component. Images 4 through seven form a single row below the first three.
- Print a "main" image with all other images in line with the detail section for each component.
- Print all images in line with the detail for each component.
The most efficient layout is layout 1, since it can print up to six supporting images in addition to the main image (seven total). The amount of descriptive detail is controlled by other options, so each layout can be as brief or expansive as you desire.
Large Images
Layout types 1 and 2 above also support use use of a large image for the primary component of an object. In the examples below, a shop drawing has been attached to the primary component specification and the "Large image" checkbox has been selected on the Specification screen.
On the left sheet, the drawing was in landscape orientation and on the right, rotated to a portrait orientation. With large images, only four secondary images are "gathered" at the top if they fit or appear on the next page for that object. Since the objective of this type of image is the largest image possible, images in portrait orientation will also push the rest of the information to the next page. Also see "Including Large Images."
Please note that there are limits to some layout choices. If both of these conditions are true:
- You are printing object locations (on versions of the Illustration Sheet that have that option) and...
- You choose to place the "Locations" section in the "header" area with the "If printing location information, position within report layout" option (described below)...
...a tall "large image" may be pushed to the next sheet. There is only room in the header of a "large image" sheet for three location rows (which can typically hold six locations in two columns).
If objects using large images appear in many locations, you may want to either use the " end of object detail" report option for the print position of object locations or edit the image to add white space on the left and right, widening the image's dimensions ratio to be closer to a square. A wider image will prevent the vertical dimension from completely filling the page.
Sort Orders
There are currently four sort orders that can be selected. Unlike other options described here, the sort order is controlled by selecting the matching report name in the report list. If you save your own preferred options for a report, we suggest you include a reference to the sort order of the base report.
The sorting options are:
By Area - Prints the sheets in tag order within each major area. Objects that appear in more than one area will be printed in each section. This report normally prints room locations as part of each object's detail.
By Area, Room - Prints the project in order of area and room, showing the contents of each room in tag order. This sort order can easily produce the longest reports, since each object is printed as many times as there are rooms in which it is used.
By Class, Tag - This sorts the objects by major class (FRN, EQP, etc.) then prints the objects in tag order within the class. This report normally prints room locations as part of each object's detail.
By Tag - Prints each object one time in order of the tag. This report normally prints room locations as part of each object's detail.
With one exception, all the reports share these options. The exception is that the options that control the printing of locations are not needed on the "by Area, Room" sort order. All options have default settings and these are noted.
Use this base sheet layout
1-Images at top - This option gathers up to seven images from the object's specifications and prints them at the top, with the image for the main spec printed larger. Support spec images appear to the left of the main image, then wrap around to the right. (Default)
2-Large main + component images in-line with specs - This has been the "standard" format in previous versions. The primary specification's image is printed at the top and all secondary images are printed in line with the specification description.
3-Only small images in-line with specs - This eliminates the larger main image to print all images at the same general size, to the right of the specification.
Note: If you wish to include a large image (full width or full height), this is only supported by options 1 and 2. For more information, see "Including Large Images" elsewhere.
For layout type 1, add additional description information to component images?
For the "Images at top" layout, the images are normally printed with only the Spec ID as a reference. If you wish, you can add a "medium" description to the image label (that is, the shorter description fields like "Color," "Size," etc. (Default: No)
This option allows you to remove all detail for secondary components from the report's detail section while still including basic descriptions.
Level of component specification detail to print
This option gives you several levels of descriptive detail for the primary specification and for supporting specifications. Note that information such as location, source, quantities and prices are controlled by other options. (Default: 1)
1-Full detail for all components - This prints all descriptive detail
2-Primary component detail + secondary medium description - Prints full detail for the primary specification, plus the shorter "medium" detail level for others.
3-Primary component detail + secondary list only - Prints full detail for the primary spec but only lists the other supporting specs. This can be used in conjunction with the layout 1 options (above) to print a summary type of sheet.
4-Primary component only (except images at top) - This suppresses all description lines for the supporting specs, but does not affect the images printed at the top in layout 1.
5-List only for all components - Only lists the spec ID and the "type" description for all components.
Note that "image only" specifications will continue to print at most a "medium" description.
Total object quantity and price information to print
Controls whether total quantity and pricing are included in the format (Default: 1):
1-Total quantity and price
2-Quantity only
3-Price only
Location and location quantity information to print
Since FF&EZ knows where each object has been placed, you can print a combination of location and quantity used in each location. For objects marked with the "FIN" class, this includes the finish location within the room. (Default: 1)
1-Location and quantity
2-Location only
If printing location information, position within report layout
If you are printing the locations for objects, you can locate this section at either the end or the top of the first sheet. (Default: 1)
1-At end of object details
2-Report header area
Use single column for description detail instead of two?
If your specification text is typically very long and you are using layout 1 or 2, FF&EZ will split the the specification text into two columns. However, there is a limitation to the way these columns break to the next page and you may prefer to use a single wider column. This only affects sheets and specifications where an image does not print on the right. (Default: No)
If showing detail, show quantity needed for each component?
This option can be used if your project book needs to include the quantities needed for each object's supporting components (such as yards of fabric for a sofa). (Default: No)
Show price for each component?
This adds individual prices to each component of an object in addition to the total unit price. (Default: No)
Vendor information detail to print for primary component
You can control how much vendor information is printed for the primary component (Default: 5):
2-Name only
3-Alternate ID only
4-Catalog # only
5-Name/Catalog #
6-Full contact information/Catalog #
The "Alternate ID" is normally used when exporting ordering data to a system that uses a different set of vendor IDs, however you can also use it to "encode" the vendor for internal purposes without revealing the source to the client.
Option 5 is meant for turnkey designs where full ordering information is needed in the project book.
If printing secondary components, vendor information to print
This option controls the level of vendor detail for all other supporting components. The options are the same as shown above for the primary vendor. (Default: 5)
If printing vendor, include Vendor ID?
Including the Vendor ID makes it easier to reference the FF&EZ vendor in case some vendor names are similar or are regional variations of the same company. (Default: Yes)
If printing vendors, also show supplier vendors that have been selected?
If a separate supplier for any specification has been selected, this option will include the supplier information at the same level of information detail selected for the component's main (manufacturer) vendor (as described above). (Default: No)
Add Bill to/Ship to addresses?
Use this option in turnkey designs where the project book must show complete shipping address. Note: We do not recommend using this option, especially on the "Area" and "Area, Room" sort orders since it does not create true quantity totals for ordering. (Default: No)
If showing locations, show corresponding PO #?
If you have the Design/Purchasing system or the Design + Orders Export system, you can include order numbers or export IDs for the primary components. (Default: No)
Print page numbers?
This adds page number to the top of the page. We don't recommend using this option if you are maintaining a physical project book, since it makes additions or subtractions to the object list very hard to maintain. Normally, the tags function as a better index to the document, especially when used with the "Object Index" report. (Default: No)
Include revision date and/or code if found on a specification?
You can have the specification revision code and date included when printing the illustration sheets. (Default: No)