Screen Options
Unless noted otherwise, these options typically appear in the lower right corner, on the status bar.
Show Report Descriptions
This option controls, for checking purposes, how the object description is displayed on this screen. This temporarily overrides the "Use component #1 type/product in the worksheet and reports" option on each object. If an object has this option enabled (which is the default), the list will normally display the "Type" description from the primary specification. If you wish to see the original object description displayed instead, disable this option. This only affects this screen since other screens and reports depend on the object option.
If enabled, this continues the operation of adding a new object to the Worksheet without returning to the main Worksheet screen. It can also be enabled using the Save w/Auto-add option when you save an object occurrence into a room using the Add command above.
The "Tips" option controls whether or not you need "fly-over" help or hints when your mouse cursor hovers over a control or a field. This can be extremely helpful for new users, since these explain the purpose of the item and may list shortcut keys that can speed up simple operations.