Check Requests List
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Quick Access Function Key: [F12]

The Request List is a review form that lists all the check requests issued by you to your client (or your own accounts payable for internal projects) to pay either a vendor's requested deposit amount or their invoiced balance. Since all major processing is done with the Order List screen's Process command, the functions available on this screen are limited to basic review, reporting and adding status notes:

Note that this does not remove deposits that were applied, since that update is part of entering a vendor final invoice (to remove applied deposits the invoice must be cleared using the Expediting screen's Update Order Status command).

  • An unpaid request can be voided by using the Void button. If a request is voided, all item/splits that were on it are reset to "unrequested" status. This allows a request that contained serious mistakes to be reversed, the mistakes corrected and a new request issued using the normal methods described elsewhere in this document.  Voided requests remain in the system with a note summarizing what was on the original request.

For general information about how to use an editing form, use this link:

Editing Forms (Overview)

Exporting Transactions

You can export check requests as transactions. This is an option on this screen's Export command. It gives you the ability to manage an export process that is used to create transactions on other systems—for example, exporting check requests to be imported into accounting software. If used, it marks exported check requests after they have been exported, preventing them from being exported again with this option.

The option is only currently available on the "details" type of export. If the receiving system only requires one summary entry for each invoice, you may need to pre-process the exported data to create the summary data as needed.