This section only covers the additional fields on the Project List screen that apply to purchasing functions. For a full description of the standard fields and functions on this screen, see the main Project List chapter under the "Design Reference" (it includes the information about fields that also appears below).
Sequential Project Order Numbering
You can set up project-specific, sequential purchase order numbers by entering an alphanumeric code in the "PO Prefix" field (up to 7 characters). If a prefix is entered, it will be added to all new orders for that project, using the left-most characters of the ten-character (max) PO number, with the actual PO number padded with zeroes.
The prefix should be short enough so that you do not run out of PO numbers for the scope of the project. To prevent this, the minimum characters you can devote to the number itself is three (999 orders). This is specified by the "PO digits" field.
Since PO numbers are used to name PDF files, you cannot use a symbol in the prefix that is illegal in a Windows file name. Using a dash or dot (- or .) is safest. You can also use an embedded space (e.g., "ABC 43"), keeping in mind that this still uses a character.
The length and format of the prefix can be different for each project, although this will affect the sort order for orders. At this time, project order numbers assigned with this option always begin with 1. For example, the first order for these project prefixes would be:
This is a basic five-character prefix (including the symbol) that will allow up to 99,999 orders in the associated project.
This is similar to the above, but with the overall length shortened by using a "PO digits" value of 3.
This might be a property-oriented code. It would allow up to 99 subprojects with up to 999 orders each. In this sample, the ID is project 23 for HILAX.
Here is a year + project number, with up to 99 projects with 999 orders (but actually more are possible. See below).
Note: If you assign initial Project IDs with a quote system and then change them to a different system for active projects, 99 projects may be all you need for one year. In this scenario you would not enter a PO Prefix until the project was approved.
Note that if you exceeded 99 projects, you can make the next project prefix "2020.AA" or "2020.A1" (or "2020.A0" giving you 260 additional project IDs).
We recommend that prefixes start with or include at least one letter. One limitation of using a numeric prefix is that you have to enter the separator when using the Find tool on the Orders List and Expediting screens. This is because FF&EZ will interpret a simple number entry in the tool as the exact numeric order number instead of the prefix. So if you try to find "2020" it will look for order #2020, whereas if you try to find "2020." (with the "dot") it will look for the first order with the prefix "2020.".
The system will warn you if you enter a prefix that matches an existing one and will prevent your saving it.
Once you create orders for a project, the prefix cannot be changed nor can a prefix be added. You can have all numeric prefixes. However you must include at least one alphabet character or a simple symbol (like "-") to avoid a potential conflict with the standard all-numeric system numbering. For example, "202189-001"
Billing Options
The additional information below covers options that affect how billing is done.
Copy spec tax
to PO
In Design/Purchasing systems, this option controls whether the tax rates on individual specs in purchasing management projects are copied to orders when they are created.
In many large purchasing management projects (where the client pays the vendor, including any tax) the total order tax amounts can be too complex for a simple calculation, so the Design reports use a tax estimate and a specific tax quote is obtained for each order. The quote is compared to what the vendor actually invoices instead of a calculated estimate. This option is used to prevent the project tax rate from being transferred to individual orders.
This option sets the default behavior when orders are created. This setting can be overridden when you use the FF&E Worksheet's Order... command to create purchase orders. More information can be found under "Creating Orders from the FF&E Worksheet."
As orders are shipping and invoiced by vendors, the quantity that was originally ordered may change based on manufacturing over- or under-runs or if someone fails to account for case quantities on the original order. FF&EZ allows you to note variances on the Expediting List screen, however you will want to control whether those variances affect the amount invoiced to your client.
On cost/sell projects, there may be a fixed quote to which you agreed, in which case you will normally not invoice a variance. In that case, you will want to unselect this option, otherwise the invoice will reflect the quantity adjusted by the variance.
On the other hand, for purchasing management projects in which the client is paying the actual cost of each item plus a management fee, you will typically want to leave this option selected. This option is automatically selected for new projects.
Important: This option must be set and shipping variances must be noted on affected order items before an invoice is generated for them. This option does not affect check requests, which will always show the actual shipped quantity (including any variance).
Sum component price to primary order item
For most cost/sell projects, the client is quoted a single cost for each object, even if it is composed of multiple components that are ordered separately (such as COM fabric that is shipped to a furniture manufacturer). This option, if selected, will automatically move the sell price (not the costs) to the primary component when FF&EZ creates the purchase orders needed to create each object. It has no effect on objects that are made up of a single component (or those made of a single component plus "image only" specifications).
This creates an order item with a total sell price that reflects the original quote and which will then be invoiced at that same price. Since the sell price (not cost) of secondary components is set to zero, these will be "processed out" of the system during the invoicing process. However, you also have the option (in the standard invoice format) to list these secondary items for completeness marked as "N/C" (no charge).
This option also appears when using the Order... command on the FF&E Worksheet, since you may want to override the selection you make on the project form.
In a purchasing system, selecting the "Closed" option will prompt you to confirm whether you want to also close that project's orders. Closing orders is a good idea, especially for older FF&EZ systems that have accumulated a lot of old project orders, since this will speed up the response time on both the Orders and Expediting screens.
As before, you can also close the orders separately using Process> Close Orders on either the Orders or Expediting screens. You can retrieve an order by de-selecting the "Hide closed orders?" option at the bottom of the Orders screen and de-selecting the order's "Closed" checkbox.