How to...
FF&EZ is designed to be used in a variety of situations, from simple documentation of specifications, to the tracking of budgets which can be broken down to the item level, to contracts and proposals, to the creation of purchasing documentation. Your approach to using the system will be influenced by your (and your client's) needs. The pages in this section give you both an overview of how you should approach the program and specific procedures to get you started.
One issue that comes up from time to time is that of doing "miscellaneous" specifications vs. a typical design project. Since FF&EZ is a project-oriented system, setting up a project is a necessity in order to create specifications. But there is really just a minimum amount of information that is needed for this, so this situation is addressed in this section.
The approach you use (and of course, you can mix them as needed) will depend on which of the following situations most closely matches that for your project. The two main methods are "worksheet-oriented," focused on quickly building up a list of rooms and their proposed contents and "spec-oriented," where the contents list has been decided earlier in your work or before the project was given to you. The following scenarios will help you decide which approach to pick: