Contact Form
Several screens and processes allow you to specify people in particular roles in the project, such as "Designer," "Approved by," etc. One way to add or edit the list of people used to select these roles is with the small Add and Edit command buttons next to the field on some forms. These display the "single" Contact Form: You do not have to fill out all the fields on this form, but you should at least create an ID and enter the first and last names. On some reports, such as the Purchasing module's purchase order format, the phone numbers and email address can be printed if you enter them here (if the format needs a contact related phone number, it will look here first before printing your general number from the Setup Screen). If you want to manage multiple entries on the list itself, a management version of this form, the Contact List form, is available from the Setup Screen The buttons on the screen function in a similar way to those on the larger data screens: |